American Legion Post 635 Greenfield 615 N. El Camino Real Greenfield, CA 93927 Mail to: PO Box 635, Greenfield, CA 93927 Located in the heart of America's Salad Bowl!
Post 635 Supports Paul C. Rodriguez for Dep't Commander 2025-26
Post is open ONLY on meeting nights! Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month! Meetings start at 1800 hrs. and are preceded by an hour of social time and follow on an hour after meeting adjourns.
For information contact: Michael Bloom (Adjutant): [email protected]
Next meeting Thursday 20 February 2025! Doors OPENS 1700 hrs.! MEETING at 1800 hrs.!
Get your 2025 membership card NOW!
Cadet Promotion/Awards Ceremonies
Memorial Day 2024
Team 635 takes back the coveted 1st Prize at the 9th Annual Veterans Day Parade BBQ Pork Ribs Throwdown Fundraiser 2023!
After a 6 years absence the trophy returns to Greenfield!
Team 28 supports Team American Legion racing at Laguna Seca over the 9 -11 race weekend!
8th Annual Salinas Veterans Day Parade Fundraiser
Post 635 a charter member continues its support!
Though it was a hard day of work to prepare that many pork ribs it was a fun time! A lot of smack talk between the veteran competing teams but at the end of the day a lot of great food was enjoyed by our supporters. Even veteran US Rep Jimmy Panetta stopped by to show his support of Team Post 635!
Memorial Day 2021
Play KION-TV Memorial Day coverage
Membership is our life blood! Use the online renewal feature!
It's easy!
It's painless!
It's paperless!
It will remind you every year!
Reading the names of our Remembered Veterans!
From our Monterey County Service Office the 1st Quarter 2021 of their new Lightfighter newsletter! Click below to see and read the entire newsletter.
Cesar E. Chavez Elementary School Recognizes Local Veterans
Photos courtesy of Filadelfo Silva
In a stirring and moving ceremony the students and faculty of Caser E. Chavez school assembled early Thursday morning to honor our local veterans in what was described by many of the veterans as one of the most inspiring ceremonies they had ever attended.